Showing Collections: 41 - 50 of 109
Carl Mollerup scrapbook
The Carl Mollerup scrapbook consists of newspaper clippings and performance programs documenting his career as a musician and band conductor from 1909-1916.
Carlos Mendiolah postcards
The collection consists of 14 postcards primarily depicting downtown Boise. Noteably the postcards depict Arrow Rock Dam, High School Park, the Natatorium, the Y.M.C.A building, Boise High School, the Boise Depot, the Federal Building, Main Street, view from Owyhee Hotel, and the Idaho State Capitol building.
Charles F. Hummel oral history
This collection contains six oral history interviews with Charles F. Hummel including transcripts, copy of an Idaho State Historical Society oral history with F. Hummel, original contract, proposals, schedules, releases, presentation with slides to City of Boise Historic Preservation Commission.
Charlie and Illa Wilcox photograph albums and other material
This collection documents the activities and families of Charles and Illa Wilcox while living in Boise, Idaho and traveling. The material is largely photographic, consisting of prints, negatives, and postcards. Other formats include a small number of ephemera and newspaper clippings. Most of the photograph albums are unbound and may be incomplete.
Chelsee Boehm postcards
This collection contains postcards depicting various Boise locations.
Chita Sister City collection
This collection contains a travel itinerary for the Sister City representatives, photographs of the Chita region, maps and tourist brochures for Chita, and books. Artifacts include lake rocks, two pins, and two colored stones.
City of Boise photographs
This collection contains three digital photographs, one taken in June 2018 of Pride Fest at the intersection of Capitol Blvd. and Idaho Street, and two taken of the Cactus Bar on October 2018 at 517 W Main St.
Cole School & Idaho Brewing and Malting Company photographs
This collection contains three 8x10 photographs depicting Cole School class and Idaho Brewing and Malting Company.
Collister Neighborhood Association records
Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel records
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Photographs 33
- Families--history 12
- City government 11
- Cities and towns--Planning 8
- Idaho State Capitol (Boise, Idaho) 8
- Land use--Planning 7
- Postcards 7
- World War, 1939-1945 7
- Maps 6
- Small business--Management 6
- Architecture 5
- Newspapers 5
- Advertising 4
- Business records 4
- Mayors 4
- Boise River Greenbelt (Boise, Idaho) 3
- City and town life 3
- City council members 3
- Conservation 3
- High school student activities 3
- Neighborhoods 3
- Opera 3
- Opera programs 3
- Oral history 3
- Parks 3
- Signs and signboards 3
- Armed Forces 2
- Arrowrock Dam (Idaho) 2
- Bands (Music) 2
- Books 2
- Building materials 2
- Central business districts 2
- Cities and towns--United States--History 2
- Community service 2
- Conductors (Music) 2
- Construction industry 2
- Downtown Boise 2
- Government securities 2
- Historic buildings--Conservation and restoration 2
- Historic buildings--United States--Designs and plans 2
- Historic preservation 2
- Music 2
- Musicians 2
- Neighborhood government 2
- Older people 2
- Older people--Care--United States 2
- Opera companies 2
- Opera singers 2
- Parades 2
- Personnel management--Handbooks, manuals, etc. 2
- Police--reform 2
- Property--History 2
- Public art 2
- Railroad stations 2
- Real property--Purchasing--United States 2
- Scrapbooks 2
- Women--Societies and clubs 2
- Agriculture 1
- Airplanes 1
- Airports 1
- Applications for positions 1
- Art and design 1
- Artists' materials 1
- Audio-visual materials 1
- Authorship 1
- Autobiography 1
- Ball games 1
- Barracks 1
- Bicycle lanes 1
- Bicycle trails 1
- Blueprints 1
- COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020- 1
- Camera 1
- Chief Eagle Eye Reserve (Boise, Idaho) 1
- Cities and towns--Growth 1
- Coloring books 1
- Commissions, Public service 1
- Community development, Urban 1
- Community policing 1
- Compounding Pharmacy 1
- Condolence notes 1
- Cookbooks 1
- DeMolay (Organization) 1
- Diplomas 1
- Draft registration 1
- Drugstores 1
- Dwellings 1
- Dwellings--Design and construction 1
- Electric apparatus and appliances 1
- Exercise for older people 1
- Exhibitions 1
- Family farms 1
- Fire departments 1
- Fire departments--Administration 1
- Fire departments--Equipment and supplies 1
- Fire departments--Management 1
- Fire departments--Officials and employees 1
- Fire engines--Dispatching 1
- Fire extinction 1
- Fire prevention 1 ∧ less
- Language
- English 98
- No linguistic content; Not applicable 11
- Names
- Boise City Department of Arts & History (2008-) 4
- Ashley Sign Company 2
- Boise City Clerk 2
- Boise Parks and Recreation Department 2
- Boise Planning and Development Services 2
- Burns Studio 2
- Tourtellotte & Hummel 2
- Ada County Planning and Development Services 1
- Barber Valley Neighborhood Association 1
- Bertram, John (1946-) 1
- Bickle Family 1
- Blair, Albert G. (1914-1982) 1
- Blanchard, Marie 1
- Boehm , Chelsee 1
- Boise City Council 1
- Boise City Legal Department 1
- Boise City Mayor's Office 1
- Boise City Public Works Department 1
- Boise Council on Aging 1
- Boise Department of Finance and Administration 1
- Boise Fire Department 1
- Boise Happy Hoofers 1
- Boise Police Department 1
- Bowen, Gordon (1915-2013) 1
- Brown, John 1
- Bureau of Reclamation. Columbia-Pacific Northwest Region 1
- Burns, Brandi 1
- Byrne Family 1
- Chandler, Earl (1922-2017) 1
- Chandler, Kathleen "Kay" (1924-2017) 1
- Collier, James F. (October 30, 1923-November 23, 2020) 1
- Collister Neighborhood Association 1
- Congregation Ahavath Beth Israel 1
- Conley, Pam 1
- Crowell, Raymond Joe (1943-2006) 1
- Davis Family 1
- Eardley, Richard (December 23, 1928-June 30, 2012) 1
- Eby Family 1
- Edlefsen, Russell Elmer (1906-1986) 1
- Elliott, Edward Gregory (1914-2008) 1
- Engelhardt, Laurie "Lou" 1
- Fisher, Vardis (1895-1968) 1
- Friends of Fullerton Library 1
- General Land Office 1
- Gerlach, Marce A. (1920-2003) 1
- Gerlach, Tully 1
- Godfrey, Adrian (1918-2011) 1
- Hall Family 1
- Hardee, Deborah 1
- Hart II, Irving Warren (1899-1958) 1
- Hausrath, Anne (March 12, 1949) 1
- Hitchcock O'Leary Family 1
- Hubbard, Nancy Catherine (1874-1913) 1
- Hummel, Charles F. (1925-2016) 1
- Idaho Camera 1
- Idaho Department of Fish and Game 1
- Idaho Transportation Department 1
- Jensen Family (1878-2002) 1
- Johnson, Earnest Dale (1925-2014) 1
- Jordan, Mary Louise (1915-1984) 1
- Kitfox Aircraft 1
- Mapp, Jerome 1
- McCarthy, Mary E. (1920-2012) 1
- Meade, Michael 1
- Meffert Family 1
- Mendiolah, Carlos 1
- Meyer, Brianna 1
- Milne-Lane, Stephanie 1
- Mollerup, Carl 1
- Montgomery, George Washington (1855-1936) 1
- Morrison, Harry (1885-1971) 1
- Office of Community Engagement 1
- Onweiler, Cordelia "Corki" (1931) 1
- Onweiler, William "Bill" (1923-2010) 1
- Otto, Herbert (1923-2016) 1
- Pelton Family 1
- Perkins, Blake (1905-1984) 1
- Perkins, Helen (1911-1996) 1
- Richmond, Kelly 1
- Robinson, Terri L. 1
- Roderick, J.D. 1
- Saenz, Jose Angel 1
- Saturday Evening Post 1
- Sears, Eileen 1
- Seitz Hart, Mary Ann (1936-2020) 1
- Southard, Ellen 1
- Tolbert , Margaret 1
- Troutner Johnson , Katherine H. (1919-2009) 1
- Ustick Apple Blossom Club 1
- Watson, Percy Harold (1903-1979) 1
- Wetherell, Michael (1945) 1
- Wilburn, Gary (1957-2014) 1
- Wilch, John Peter (1919-1983) 1
- Wilcox, Charles Stanford (April 10, 1905 -October 22, 1958 ) 1
- Wilcox, Illa (September 30, 1905 -August 16, 1984) 1
- Young, Ann 1 ∧ less